Southend Triathlon 5 Weeks & Counting

Training, June 08, 2022

Southend Triathlon Training & Race day Tips with Kit list

Southend Triathlon 5 Weeks & Counting 


So you're taking in part in The Southend triathlon - its your first triathlon and you're looking lost and like there are a million and one things to remember. 

Well fear not, I am here to help answer some of those questions flying through your mind. 


If you have a coach behind you or you already belong to a triathlon club, then this article probably isn't for you as you should have all the help you need. Nether the less give it a read as you may learn a trick or two for free.


So for those that are currently following a plan you can use this a a check to see if your on target with your current training. 

If for arguments sake we base this article on a 10 week training plan, then as i write this article ( (8th June ) you have 5 weeks including this weekend until your race day. 


By now there are a few fundamentals that you should have completed. Ideally over the last 5 weeks you would have been building your 3 disciplines up and around about now started to introduce brick sessions into your training. 


What are brick sessions? I hear you ask.


Brick sessions are merely 2 or more sessions done consecutively, they can be any combination, but obviously the combinations should be specific. So Swim/Bike Session or Bike/Run session are the norm. 

Getting used to swimming then running to your bike, into changing from your wetsuit and putting on your bike clothes is definitely worth practicing before race day. You can practice how you setup your transition area and what works out best for you, practice always makes perfect. The bike to run brick is definitely a work in progress. Running off the bike ( ROTB ) certainly gets better with practice, once again you can fine tune your transition and the more you practice the better race day will be.


Moving on from the brick sessions you should have some good base work behind you now and in the pool you would have covered the distance you're going to swim on race day. 

By now ( if not sooner ) you would of introduced some open water swimming into the programme and started working on the distance at worst in a lake and at best in the estuary at southend to make things more realistic in relation to race day. 


The more you add in race simulations within those brick sessions the more comfortable you will be come race day, The more you experience things going wrong the better equipped you are at getting it right. 

Remember to control the controllable’s and deal with the rest as it happens


As with anything Specificity and Consistency is the key to success. 


Going into weeks 6 & 7 your training should have peaked from a volume point of view and going into weeks 8 & 9 you will be tapering off your volume to allow some recovery before the actual race in week 10.


So race week is here and you are starting to get nervous, so heres some tips to help you through to the start of the race. This advice isn't exhaustive its merely a conversation I have had with many groups of novice triathletes over the years as a Coach. Most of my advice is given on a 1-2-1 basis taking into account my clients needs specifically. 


Pre Race Day

  1. Try and chill, some tasks around the house can be done after your race - if the work distresses you then crack on
  2. A Very Light swim/bike or run can sometimes be a helpful way of keeping your mind busy
  3. Double check any race instructions and go through the Race Directors notes to re-confirm any doubts
  4. If you have the opportunity, ride drive the bike course before hand or speak to others that have
  5. When packing your race day items - firstly check the weather, this will determine what your taking, go through a mental walk through about what you need and where your putting it - Practice makes perfect. I have added a race day check list to this article as a pdf document, you can download it for free HERE
  6. Be prepared for all weathers and every eventuality
  7. Don't over eat and don't go to bed too early if thats not your thing, you will just get restless and start over thinking.


Race Day

  1. Make sure you set an alarm - nothing worse than oversleeping and wasting all that hard training
  2. Have a light breakfast a good couple of hours before your start 
  3. Arrive at the venue in good time, the time monster will eat up any spare time you think you have
  4. Pick up Race Number/ Swim Hat and Timing Chip
  5. Rack your Bike and setup Transition so its in an orderly fashion and that its easy to get changed - Space is limited so be efficient and courteous to others
  6. Walk the transition area and note the swim entry to bike exit then to bike entry onto the run exit. Don't leave anything to chance.
  7. Race Start - You will be asked to go onto the sand in your wave
  8. Enjoy and keep a smile on your face, let your race plan unfold
  9. Go smash it and enjoy every minute of the event


I hope you found my article of interest and you gained some knowledge from it.


If you would like any more information regarding coaching as an individual or as a group you can contact me on the following email Alternatively you can contact me by messaging me on facebook via my Run and Tri Coach page 

If your looking to join a Local Triathlon Club then you can see our webpage here send us a message here just click on the link 



Jon Brown

Chairman / Head Coach - JBR Run & Tri Club

Level 2 British Triathlon Coach

Level 3 Personal Trainer

UK Athletics CiRF 

Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist

Level 1 ASA Swimming